What to Look for in a Spin Bike

Whether you workout at home or at the gym, I recommend a quality spin bike for excellent cardio workouts.

Here's what a good spin bike looks like >>> Notice the fly wheel and minimal screen.

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I have a spin bike like this at home.  My family bought me mine at a major discount looking for a sale as a Mother's Day gift; consider looking for a used one on Kijiji or Craigslist for your home, and put stuff like this on your Birthday+Christmas list :)


I would love to be right beside all my clients when they do a workout...cardio and core in particular benefit from a live encouraging coach and guidance.  Since that is not possible, a virtual spin class app let's me bring them fun, challenging and motivational instruction for cardio and core.

You can get the Peloton Digital app for FREE for 30 days, then it's only $12.99/month after.  Download it and use it for the first 30 days free, then decide if you want to spend your money to keep accessing it during the program.


*I have no affiliation or affiliate with Peloton and don't monetarily benefit if you choose to pay for use.  I do love it and use it with my clients.*


In on-demand and live spin classes through the Peloton App, the instructors make reference to two metrics 1) CADENCE , and 2) RESISTANCE.  For your own spin bike see below on how it translates.

After a few classes you’ll get in a groove for knowing these intuitively. Don't get hung up by the exact number - consistency matters WAAAAAAY more!


“Cadence” is the RPM speed reading on the bike ...e.g. 70-110 cadence is RPM.  Most spin bikes have the RPM on its screen.

Or, simply follow the leg speed of the instructor and the beat of the music.


For Peloton cycling class:

Resistance 25-35 easy...feels like a flat road

Resistance 35-45 ...moderate, you can feel the resistance and could stand up to peddle but not ‘heavy’

Resistance 45 and up ...heavy to peddle , typical to stand up in bike or feel a real grit and work. Keep adding touches of resistance as the instructor tells you to.



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Get FitErica Willick