Seeing Myself From a Different Angle
In January 2017, Natasha had just given birth her daughter. As a busy mother of 2 small children, she was struggling finding her way back into a fitness routine. “I was having a hard time staying motivated. In addition to wanting to fit back into some pre-pregnancy clothes, I just wanted to feel good again.”
Around the time Natasha’s son had turned one, she had completed a 4-week Fit Mom challenge, which was when she was introduced to Sisters In Shape. It wasn’t until the birth of her daughter a year later that she reconnected with SiS to learn more about their lifestyle coaching program.
Prior to having her first child, Natasha had worked with an online trainer. “I knew that I needed an outside resource to help me stay motivated and accountable, yet my prior experience left me with some apprehension. My previous online trainer focused primarily on meal plans, rather than teaching me HOW to eat. Not only did I find meal plans to be difficult, but I discovered that I wasn’t thinking right about food. Long term, I felt that was setting me up for a bad relationship about food.”
When Natasha began researching the nutrition approach practiced by Sisters in Shape, she was pleased to discover that SiS focused on teaching nutrition through macros (also known as the IIFYM lifestyle).
Still on the fence and somewhat unsure if she were ready…. Natasha took the leap and signed up for a full year of coaching through Sisters in Shape. “It was all or nothing. I knew I needed some extra motivation. Plus, I love a challenge.”
Almost 10 months into working with SiS Coach Monica, Natasha’s transformation is beyond what she hoped to achieve. “I knew I’d see changes by working with SiS ... but I never expected to see my body to change this much in this amount of time.”
Her transformation hasn’t just been a physical one either...
“I have more energy. I feel like I can balance things better. I see myself differently. Some days, I look at myself, thinking no changes have been made. Then, my coach points out changes I didn’t see. We as women are our worst critics. It’s been great to have a coach to look at you. They see you from a different angle than you see yourself.”
Prior to Sisters in Shape, Natasha’s workouts weren’t as structured. “I would make things up at the gym as I went along. The mobile app we use to log progress and workouts has been such a time saver. As a busy mom of a 3-year old and 1-year old, the scheduling portion of the app keeps me motivated and accountable. I can build it into my day.”
So, what’s next for Natasha?
Well, she has a few short-term and long-term goals. “Short term, it’s feeling good and look good for our upcoming vacation. Later down the road, I may explore prepping for a fitness competition, which was a goal of mine prior to having children. But for now, I’m focused on being a Mom. Being a mom is so empowering. It really puts things into perspective.”
Natasha has hopes for other women looking to improve their health and well-being.
“Just stick it out for a full month. Then your habits are created. You have to make time for yourself. Finding time JUST FOR YOU is so important.”
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