From Status Quo to Crushing Goals

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Six years ago, Kris embarked on a journey of personal growth and physical change.

“I was in a place where I felt bad about myself. I was overweight, tired, no energy. I’d been pregnant and nursing for so many years… I felt miserable about myself and my body.”

Kris’ health and fitness journey was sparked by her introduction to Isagenix. Through this nutritional change, Kris found her energy substantially increasing, her body beginning to release the excess weight and she even picked up a new hobby: running. “I lost 35lb, which I maintained for 5 years… but I was living ‘status quo’. While I dabbled on the strength equipment at the Y, I didn’t really know what to do when in the gym.”

Through the YMCA, Kris connected with another Sisters In Shape client with a similar transformation story. “After learning more about her journey and the progress she made through online coaching, I was ready to take a step further.” In Summer 2018, Kris began working with Sisters in Shape Coach Heather. Together, they developed a plan that included building muscle and becoming comfortable in the weight room. “I have always been shy. My personality is very quiet and reserved. I use to feel invisible at times. Since working with SiS, I have so much more confidence. I’m not scared to be the only girl around 20 guys lifting weights.” Kris admits that progress pictures only tell half of her transformation story. “I am physically stronger, and have added so much muscle! But the pictures don’t show what I’m FEELING. I have come light years from where I was.”

Not only has strength training become something Kris is more comfortable with, but it’s also something she’s grown to love. “I hardly ever do cardio anymore. I love strength training. I love picking up the free weights.”

Online coaching has been a great way for Kris to work on her fitness goals while juggling a busy schedule and home life.

“The cost is pretty great! I love the videos that are included with my workouts; I watch them frequently to make sure I’m doing everything correctly. I don’t have to schedule specific work out times. I can go whenever it is convenient for me, and my coach is always just a quick text message away if I need any help.”

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A convenient coaching program was an important component in Kris’s schedule. Working full time as an in-home childcare provider, Kris is also a mother to 10 children ranging from age 3 to 17.   “My husband and I have 8 biological children as well as two adopted children. My brother had Down Syndrome and passed away. I’d always wanted to do special needs adoption and help other children. I remember praying about it and it wasn’t long after, we came across a picture of our son.”

Kris’s commitment to her family was her top priority, but she realized she needed to make herself a priority.  When she was ready to invest in herself, she didn’t have to look far to find her support system.

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“My husband has always been really supportive of me. He’s always encouraging me, telling me I’m doing awesome. He sees how it’s improved my mood and boosted my confidence. On days where I might feel grouchy, he will push me to go workout because he knows I’ll come home in a better mood.”

Kris acknowledges that this journey has impacted more than just herself. “I love showing my children a healthy lifestyle. My teenagers are competitive gymnasts and varsity basketball players, so they are accustomed to working out. If I happen to be working out at home, my younger children ask if they can join me.” As Kris continues on her journey, she reflects on past, present and future goals. She admits that competing in a fitness competition is something she may explore in the future...but her ultimate goal is “to be the best me that I can be. Get in the best shape/health that I can that is sustainable for long-term!”

Kris offers some advice for mothers struggling with the guilt of make themselves a priority. “You have to take time for yourself.  How can you pour into your kids if you’re depleted of everything yourself? The first step is the hardest.”

Kris admits that it’s not a journey you venture on alone...

“Surround yourself with people who support your goals and won’t drag you down. It wasn’t until I was 40 that I finally made time for myself… but now I am such a better mom and a more confident woman.”

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