Making Myself a Priority Changed My Family



As a military wife whose husband just left on tour, Vanessa was searching for some support to help her achieve some fitness goals. Her desk job combined with various other stressors had contributed to a 20lb weight gain.

“I’d always been athletic. I played softball in college. But I wasn’t taking time for myself. By the time I got off of work, made dinner, and got the kids to bed… the last thing I wanted to do was workout. When I would get to the gym, I was all over the place. I thought I needed to be there for 2 hours and use every machine to make the workout worthwhile.”

Exercising was only half the battle; food was a struggle as well. “As a family, we watched what we ate. But honestly, I still felt lost. I was doing all the right stuff, but I was lacking structure and the knowledge to be efficient in my workouts and meal planning.”

At the end of 2016, Vanessa, who had followed Coach Christie Nix for a few years, finally enrolled as a Lifestyle client with Sisters in Shape.” I connected with Christie because she is also a military spouse. My husband had just left for a 13-month tour and I decided to set some goals for myself. I needed someone to ask questions, guide me, and to hold me accountable.”

“As a military family, we move around a lot. My husband is currently away on tour. I work full time and care for our 2 small children. Sisters in Shape helps me not only have a plan to my day, but also encourages me to make myself a priority in my already busy day.”

Sisters in Shape has transformed Vanessa’s short-term goal into a long-term lifestyle that she now thoroughly enjoys. “My mood is different if I can’t make it to the gym. Not only do I enjoy going, but even my kids get excited to play in the gym’s childcare room.”

Sisters in Shape has equipped Vanessa the foundation she needs to keep going. “It’s provided much needed variety and structure to my workouts. I’ve learned how to get a great workout in an hour.” SiS has also diminished Vanessa’s fear of food. “Learning about macros has taught me that I don’t have to only eat chicken and rice to eat healthy. Not having a meal plan to
follow has helped me learn HOW to eat.
I have learned that meal prepping will set you up for success during the week. It doesn’t have to take long and it’s really not hard. The key is finding efficiencies along the way to save time. And I don’t need to deprive myself. I eat well during the week and enjoy a cheat meal on the weekends.”


In the past, Vanessa’s shy personality paired with not feeling good about herself affected the desire to do things outside with her kids.

"I thought working out would take away from time with my family… but this lifestyle has even improved my confidence to get out and do more together as a family."

Finding SiS and her new lifestyle has strengthened more than just Vanessa. “It’s changed my relationship with my husband. He has a new level of respect and appreciation for me, especially seeing how I juggle it all while he’s away on tour.” Her independence and ability to handle everything on my own radiates and it shows. “He sees that I can do this.”

Vanessa has some advice for other busy women struggling to find or make time for themselves…

“Get to the gym. Take time for yourself. Before I was so worried about mom duties, cleaning, dinner, and so forth. All that was great for everyone else… but I was miserable. I now realize that an unmade bed or stuff on the dining room table… Those things don’t matter or take priority over taking care of myself. Making my husband’s lunches, maintaining a spotless house, making all the beds… I thought those were most important to my husband. Through this process, I discovered those weren’t things that my husband actually cared about. He cares more about seeing me happy and confident.

I spent years believing that taking some time for myself would affect my family negatively, but it’s made my relationship with my kids and my husband even better. I’ve discovered that my family appreciates and respects me more. Equally important, I have more respect for MYSELF.

I feel sexy and attractive. And that is a really great feeling.”


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